Wallpaper: The Elsie Whitely Centre
What did we do

Printed wallpaper and installation

About the Project

Being asked to help create a creative space at the Elsie Whitely Innovation Centre was a great privilege. We were approached by Hannah Peevers (Marketing Lead) along with Fiona Woodhead Fi&Becs to print and install wallpaper in four private rooms for client meetings or lectures.

Fiona created four beautiful designs. We then helped with the project management by sizing the area to choosing a suitable material and fitting the printed wallpaper.

The material chosen complemented the building and the designs too. We even took a spectrometer to colour sample the furniture, so the backdrops matched and reflected the colour space.

Over 80 square meters of our very durable printed wallpaper was used and prepared ready to install. The job took three days to install and we got some lovely words back from Hannah “Oh my! Those look incredible! Thank you so much. I’m speechless!”

Whether you need theatre-style seating for lectures, product launches, or large team away days, or smaller private rooms for client meetings and interviews, they’ve got it covered! Please check them out here

If you are interested in our large print please check click here


Wallpaper: The Elsie Whitely Centre
Slow The Flow Giant Interactive Exhibition
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